

The Music of My Heart

If my voice could hold out, I would sing all day every day. I have enjoyed the singing part of church service as far back as I can remember. I can close my eyes and see my child self – singing all the words to all the hymns loudly...

The Myth of Super Mom

My children think I can do anything. I fix all broken things, beat Koopa and save the princess (again), find every missing item, answer endless questions, and make them all the food they could ever want (even the meals they don’t eat). My husband thinks I’m awesome, even if...

Redefining Footprints on Our Hearts

In middle school, a friend gave me a decorative banner with the quote, “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay a while leaving footprints on our hearts and we are never the same,” by Flavia Weedn. This sentiment stuck with me through many moves as...

The War Zone of Parenting

Parenting is not for the weak-minded, faint of heart, or simple-willed person. Parenting, many days, feels like a war, at least at the current ages and stage of my children. I love them fiercely. I protect them and care for their needs above my own. These days, every morning...

SQT: Road Trips and Funerals

  Nothing interrupts the momentum of unpacking and getting settled like a death in the family. For the most part, things are unpacked, but some organizing remains undone. As the day and week come to an end, another Seven Quick Takes provides the opportunity for reflection before going into the weekend.  ...

In Memory of Grandma

“Grandparents are both our past and our future. In some ways, they are what has gone before, and in others, they are what we will become.”  ~Mr. Rogers When I was five years old, my father preached a sermon in which he talked about his mother dying. Well, this...

The Mystical Magical Internet

I live in the magical land of America in the mystical time. Information is readily available at my fingertips. Any question can be asked of Google (or your favorite search engine) or Siri (sometimes an argument may develop). If I don’t like what one reporter has to say, I...

SQT ~ the Purge and setting up house

Our stuff arrived on Monday. We have too much a lot of stuff. This became abundantly clear as they brought things in and asked where to put them and I ran out of thoughts (though that was partially due to the poor labeling system of the movers on the...

Lies about Time

Time flies when you’re having fun. There’s never enough time. If only I could make time stand still.   The harsh reality is, we all have the same number of hours in a day. We all get to determine how we spend those hours. What attitude will we choose? Will...

Welcome Home, Caswell Family!

After the movers left, after putting my kids in their beds, I wearily trudged down the stairs thinking to myself (in the voice of Ty Pennington), “Welcome home, Caswell, Family, welcome home.” For seven months, as one little boy in a sermon illustration said, we’ve had “a home without a house to...