Tales of the Kingdom
“Once upon a time, not so long ago and not so far away…” so begins the story of the Tales of the Kingdom. My daughter participates in dramatic dance through a Christian-affiliated ballet studio. They have two big productions a year (except in 2020), each telling the story of...
Growing Pains
In the last 12 months, my son has grown several inches. He’s also shaving twice a week and filling out. He’s much less a little boy and more a young man. I often tell people he was “born an old man” because he thinks and reasons more like an...
Tears and Laughter, Storms and Waves
Happy Friday! It’s time for another Seven Quick Takes with my friend Kelly. This week has been filled to overflowing! I missed doing last week’s quick takes because I ran away from home with my friends. Before running away, we had a photoshoot, filled with both tears and laughter,...
Take Heart
This past week marked one year since the “two weeks to flatten the curve” restrictions. I’m not going to debate the validity of these restrictions here. The many cancelations and postponements impacted our children and families in big ways. I am not an “expert” but I do think the...
Growing up, outgrowing, and getting older
This week has been extra busy with an additional ballet practice due to performance this weekend. While the production will be a little smaller and in a different venue, Madilynn is very excited to perform the dance they’ve been working on since August. Truthfully, I think she’s also ready...
How building a website is like having another baby
This week, I’ve been working on our Wavemaker website, in addition to everything else. In some ways, it’s just like having a new baby. Building a website requires focus and attention. Babies will roll or scoot away from you the moment you turn your head. Websites won’t move without...
Lessons from Pollyanna
Another book finished! Madilynn and I greatly enjoy our time listening to stories together. I’m providing a classical education in the form of entertainment. The best part is sharing a love for reading as we imagine the lives of the characters while spending hours together in the car. Pollyanna...
Giving in Grief
Grief is an ever-changing companion that no one wants, yet walks beside many. Some allow that grief to be all-consuming, focusing only on the negative effects of loss. Loss is tragic, not to be minimized, and grief is a process of dealing with that loss. Unlike an illness, grief...
Dissecting the Unexpected
We’ve thawed out since last week and our activities resumed. After the sub-zero temperatures, we bounced back up to the 70s, then down to the 30s, and we’re looking forward to another day of summer this weekend. Texas is not known for having “normal” seasons. For February, this is...
Wordy Wednesday
Among my friends, I’m “the word girl.” As we develop our ministry, I tweak the wording in our invitations and graphics. One of my gifts is painting a picture with words. Often, I am able to do this when others struggle with finding the right words. The right words...