

Pride cometh before a Minecraft Fail

Dietrich officially became a teenager and then went off to church camp. Before leaving, we celebrated his birthday with a sleepover and Mario Cake. I was very happy with this newest cake decorating achievement.  I packed all of Dietrich’s camping clothes, sleeping bag, towels, toiletries, and supplies, all in...

Living Arrows: Straight Shooting

I recently stumbled across another link-up that has inspired a rabbit trail of extra reading and research, though admittedly, part of it was accidental. On Sunday evening, the lesson was from Psalm 122, one of the songs of ascent. These songs were sung on the journey to the temple...

Joy-filled Superhero Training

As a homeschooling family, we don’t take a “regular break” for the summer. I want the kids (and myself) to have some kind of learning experience every day. This can take several forms. This week Vacation Bible School took the most space in our learning. For us, VBS is...

Super Heroes of Faith

This week we held a Vacation Bible School at our congregation. For a few years now (except last year when nothing happened), I’ve taught the memory verse/application station during our VBS. I enjoy the challenge of sharing Scripture on multiple levels. I also enjoy how much I learn in...

Mama, Did you know?

Each of my children has a unique way of starting their questions to me. Dietrich, who is usually asking to play video games, starts with, “Would it be okay if…” Madilynn, who simply enjoys chatting, starts her many monologues with, “Mama, did you know…” We are working on Dietrich...

Remembering, Running, and Repeating

When you are a stay-at-home mom, sometimes all the days run together. Many days it seems like Nothing special happens. Part of the reason I enjoy Seven Quick Takes is that I get to evaluate the everyday moments and find the extraordinary within the seemingly mundane.  We began the...

Remember All Day

Every Sunday morning, we attend Bible class and worship services (though this looked very different for most of 2020). At some point during the day, I ask the kids what they talked about in Bible class. One Sunday in October 2019, I asked Madilynn what she learned. Here is...

Flying Flip Flops, Broken Bulbs, and Powerful Prayers

Happy Friday. On Fridays, I review our week with my friends in the form of Seven Quick Takes. Celebrate Fri-Yay with us and share your wins for the week. My parents visited over the weekend. In addition to spending time together at home, we also went to Wonderland Amusement...

Lessons from Bike Riding

For Christmas 2018, Madilynn received a bicycle as her “big gift.” The bike came with training wheels, which was a good thing since she’d never ridden a bike. She’s spent hours riding the bike and enjoys every moment of it. A few weeks ago, I realized it might be...

What If Wednesday

One day last week, while talking with my brother, the conversation turned to an “if/then” scenario. He was speaking about his circumstances and how if one detail had changed he would not have the life he does now. That sent my own wheels turning. What if…  What if Peter...