

Make the Home Sing

I’ll be very honest, it’s getting more and more difficult to make the home sing and keep a positive attitude. Lately, I sense the stress of the transition has deeply impacted Dietrich. Our battles begin first thing in the morning. “I wanna do what I wanna do!” He proclaims....

Wait like a Watchman

Psalm 130 A song ofascents.   1 Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; 2  Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. 3 If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence,...

Mass Chaos Has Erupted

Today a bird flew into the house. This is not my house. We are currently staying with my father-in-law though we are nearing the end of this transitional time (we move next month). To some people, a bird in the house probably is not all that exciting or challenging...

Attack of the Miller Moths

That’s Miller, NOT killer though you wouldn’t know the difference by the way the kids act when they see one. Not that I can blame them. I won’t disgust you all with pictures – you can look them up for yourself if you aren’t fortunate enough to live in...

The Longest Psalm

In my NIV Study Bible, Psalm 119 takes up eight pages. In the original Hebrew, this Psalm is an alphabetic acrostic, with the verses of each stanza beginning with the same letter. It is believed to be written post-exile. The psalmist’s themes throughout include God’s goodness in spite of...

Amazing Grace Filled Road Trips

Once upon a time, on a road trip to see Dennis Jernigan for a New Year’s Eve Night of Praise, my friend Jennifer and I realized between the two of us, we had about 15 variations of the song “Amazing Grace”. We skipped several of these variations, noting the song...

Managing Disorder of Moods

Dietrich (almost 7) and Madilynn (2) are as alike as they are different. Both are independent, stubborn, and want to do things a certain way. My girl is actually the more strong-willed of the two, the one that is likely to run off into a busy street or touch...

Finding Joy

Becoming an overcomer is a journey. Christians look at earthly suffering in a different light than those who are non-Christians: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast...

You’re an overcomer

Have you ever visited any of the caves or caverns? When we lived in Colorado, we toured Cave of the Winds. During one part of the tour, they turn off all the lights. Due to the depth of the cave, you are surrounded by pitch-black darkness. You cannot see...

Lessons from Ruth

This book of Ruth is four short chapters rich in content. The account of Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges. These chapters could be divided into “seasons” of life.  We all go through seasons and stages in life. Some seasons we experience many times. Others we...