

Category: lessons

Is your GPS reliable?

Driving down an unfamiliar highway in the fog, with only my GPS to guide me to my destination, I saw a clear metaphor for life. With such poor visibility, on a road I didn’t know, I relied only on the navigational system to safely get me where I needed...

Never A Dull Moment?

Do you know what to do if your child licks the superglue? I do......

Teach your children, Bravely

I am a preacher’s kid and my dad is my favorite preacher. I even have a favorite sermon! As children, my siblings and I referred to it as “the parrot sermon,” because of the illustration. The sermon’s actual title is “Who will teach the children?” using scriptures from the book...

Living in God’s Promises Bravely

  Bravery, courage, strength. These traits are rarely about doing what is comfortable or easy. They are most often about overcoming, dealing with a tough situation, making the best out of seemingly impossible circumstances, and continuing to move forward in spite of exhaustion. Weathering the storm builds strength, a strength we...

Be You, Bravely

“You are so brave.” “I don’t know how you do it.” “You are so strong.” “I couldn’t do it if I were in your shoes.”     These sentences start many conversations from a non-military spouse to a military spouse, especially during times of deployment or when facing a big transition. This post...

Book Review: Sing Over Me

I knew his songs before I knew his name or his story. “You are My All in All”, “When the Night is Falling”, “We will worship the Lamb of Glory” – these songs are not only beautiful but fill my heart with joy and peace every time I sing...

Ten things to tell your children every day

Whether daily, nightly, weekly, or whenever, some messages must be reiterated throughout life. Here are the ones I hope to communicate. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. God is always there, always listens, and wants to hear your prayers. Pray without ceasing. Love God...

A Day at Dachau

One could say “there are no words to describe what you feel when you walk through a concentration camp”, but I’m going to attempt to describe just that. This site demands a post to itself, out of respect for the millions of lives lost, or otherwise changed forever by...

Your children are your talents

Last week, we attended the 50th Euro-American Retreat in Rothenburg, Germany. We spent four days singing praises to God, learning deeper lessons on Renewing, Reflecting, and Remembering, and hearing from missionaries doing His work all over Europe – all in the beautiful backdrop of a medieval village. On the...

Military Life: Saying Goodbye… Again

Last week Dietrich said goodbye (again). In the past several months, we’ve said goodbye to over 30 people with whom we’ve developed deeprelationships. Last week, however, in his little five-year-old mind, “moving” and its definition hit Dietrich hard. He realized all at once that he couldn’t go back to Miss Jana’s house,...