Lessons in 1 Samuel
When I turned five years old, my parents planned a birthday party on a Sunday afternoon. While they were taking a nap, as I “shoulda” been doing, I opened all of my presents. They did not re-wrap them for the party and tell this story whenever an opportunity presents...
The Hospitalable Homemaker
Earlier this month we hosted the youth devotional in our home. Filling our house with worship, fellowship, and shenanigans of teenagers fills my heart with joy. I love welcoming others into our space, feeding them, and sharing life with them. I also enjoy those first few minutes of quiet...
Everyone is a Salesperson
Every person is a salesperson. We are all trying to get others to “buy into” something. I do not mean this in a negative way. The way you show up in life determines who will walk alongside you in your journey. The messages we tell ourselves or allow to...
Into the Fire
On a Tuesday in April of 2022, we left the house as usual for our weekly get-together/co-op. We left things as we typically do and planned to have a fun day with friends that would include looking at moon rocks at the university in town. We noticed huge billows...
Grace is a Chocolate Chip Cookie
Let me start this by saying, we have really excellent kids. We are blessed beyond measure and they surprise us daily with their wit, insight, and empathy. Even the best of us can have a “bad day.” Sometimes a bad mood is situational. Sometimes we “wake up on the...
Return of the Dust Bowl
Enjoy another weather-related lesson from the Caswell Clan. Yesterday, the average wind speed was in the 40 MPH range with gusts up to 90 MPH. The air quality went from “okay” to “terrible” in a matter of minutes. Dirt and dust were so thick that visibility was ZERO. Most...
Earlier this week, the verse of the day came from Joel chapter two. Joel was a prophet to Judah, sometime after the return from Babylonian captivity. His message is simple, “Return to God!” His message is delivered in the midst of drought and plague – a national disaster –...
The Prime of Life
I turned 43 over the weekend. Birthdays seem to be more anticlimactic each year. This is not the only prime age I’ve ever been, and Lord willing, I’ll have a few more but with each year or each day, I realize that Today is a gift. In this current prime...
Wind and Water
I’ve spent some time this week thinking about how mindset makes a difference in everything we do. Whether visiting family, working my direct sales business, encouraging others, helping other mamas, or being a keeper at home, MINDSET IS EVERYTHING! For example, yesterday morning I woke up to no water....
Preparing for Life’s Storms
Depending on where you live, storm preparation is a seasonal event, like “spring cleaning” or the “holidays.” Some places prepare for hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, or wildfires. Preparing by definition is “to make ready beforehand.” I know both “extreme preppers” and those who aren’t even prepared for tomorrow. In our...