Lessons in Judges
If it isn’t obvious by now, I’m enjoying participating in my family’s Bible reading calendar. One thing that consistently amazes me is that you can learn something new each time you read through the Word. I know I’ve completely read through the Bible at least twice – and I’ve...
Lessons from Joshua
This week, in our family’s daily Bible reading, we completed Joshua. Joshua is a book of battles and distribution of lands, of defeated kings and cities, of warning and encouragement. Like Deuteronomy (or any other book of the Bible), there are lessons we can apply in our daily lives....
Lessons from Deuteronomy
The Old Testament. The beginning of time. The fall of man. The flood. The establishment of a promise. Journeys into and out of slavery. The presentation of the Law. Miracles and wonders. The accounts of the first five books of the Bible are rich with history important to all...
Lessons from Disney’s Newsies
“In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of Newsies, peddling the papers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner, you saw them carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor...
Is your GPS reliable?
Driving down an unfamiliar highway in the fog, with only my GPS to guide me to my destination, I saw a clear metaphor for life. With such poor visibility, on a road I didn’t know, I relied only on the navigational system to safely get me where I needed...
Never A Dull Moment?
Do you know what to do if your child licks the superglue? I do......
Unconditional Bravery
For the past month, I have been a part of a Radiance Project. One of the first exercises involved identifying the fears that hinder success to better overall health (this is not a “get skinny” program, but a holistic health approach – mind, body, soul). As you can read...
Teach your children, Bravely
I am a preacher’s kid and my dad is my favorite preacher. I even have a favorite sermon! As children, my siblings and I referred to it as “the parrot sermon,” because of the illustration. The sermon’s actual title is “Who will teach the children?” using scriptures from the book...
Book Review: No More Perfect Moms
No More Perfect Moms by Jill Savage is a simple enough read, with great insights and challenges to fight the “perfection infection”. With quotable passages, made up words, and real-life imperfection, Jill inspires and dares readers to get off the comparison carousel. The overall theme is: “Do not compare...
Living in God’s Promises Bravely
Bravery, courage, strength. These traits are rarely about doing what is comfortable or easy. They are most often about overcoming, dealing with a tough situation, making the best out of seemingly impossible circumstances, and continuing to move forward in spite of exhaustion. Weathering the storm builds strength, a strength we...