In Memory of Grandma
“Grandparents are both our past and our future. In some ways, they are what has gone before, and in others, they are what we will become.” ~Mr. Rogers When I was five years old, my father preached a sermon in which he talked about his mother dying. Well, this...
The Mystical Magical Internet
I live in the magical land of America in the mystical time. Information is readily available at my fingertips. Any question can be asked of Google (or your favorite search engine) or Siri (sometimes an argument may develop). If I don’t like what one reporter has to say, I...
SQT ~ the Purge and setting up house
Our stuff arrived on Monday. We have too much a lot of stuff. This became abundantly clear as they brought things in and asked where to put them and I ran out of thoughts (though that was partially due to the poor labeling system of the movers on the...
Lies about Time
Time flies when you’re having fun. There’s never enough time. If only I could make time stand still. The harsh reality is, we all have the same number of hours in a day. We all get to determine how we spend those hours. What attitude will we choose? Will...
Welcome Home, Caswell Family!
After the movers left, after putting my kids in their beds, I wearily trudged down the stairs thinking to myself (in the voice of Ty Pennington), “Welcome home, Caswell, Family, welcome home.” For seven months, as one little boy in a sermon illustration said, we’ve had “a home without a house to...
SQT: Hopping, Cleaning, and Making Memories
Transitions are full of complications. The rescheduling (or unscheduling?) of our original moving plans aside, other things also seem to be working against us. Because the kids are both growing, and both fiercely independent, the power struggles intensify daily. From the moment Madilynn wakes up (lately before 6:30) to...
Too Soon or Not Soon Enough
“Soon, but not soon enough.” Dietrich heard this a few weeks ago on the Disney channel and says it to every “Soon” answer he is given now. We finally have a delivery day for our household goods. “Soon, but not soon enough,” we can begin the business of settling into our new home...
Make the Home Sing
I’ll be very honest, it’s getting more and more difficult to make the home sing and keep a positive attitude. Lately, I sense the stress of the transition has deeply impacted Dietrich. Our battles begin first thing in the morning. “I wanna do what I wanna do!” He proclaims....
Wait like a Watchman
Psalm 130 A song ofascents. 1 Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; 2 Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. 3 If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence,...
Mass Chaos Has Erupted
Today a bird flew into the house. This is not my house. We are currently staying with my father-in-law though we are nearing the end of this transitional time (we move next month). To some people, a bird in the house probably is not all that exciting or challenging...