

Waiting on Perfect

When I graduate… When I get married… When I have kids… After the kids grow up… If you keep waiting for the “perfect time,” you will miss all life has to offer. The truth: All we have is right now, making NOW the perfect time.  A wise muppet once...

A week of waves

This week, my friends and I kicked off sharing our Wavemaker Mission. Our group grew from 15 to over 300 in less than two weeks, with members all over the world. We are completely awed and humbled by this, as well as driven to continue spreading messages of hope...

The Rainbow Princess

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a Rainbow Baby came into the world. From the first moment, her strong will and determination were evident, as she peed on the doctor delivering her. She loved frilly things but also playing tough. She is the princess that will change...

Good, Better, Best

The people with whom we surround ourselves influence HOW we overcome, or if we choose to do so at all....

Can’t never Could

One of my greatest joys as a mom is watching my children try something new and go “all in.” Certain words are banned in our home, such as, “I can’t” or “it’s too hard.” I challenge them to say things like “This is hard, but I will keep working...

Mindset Management

Though the first day of the week is Sunday, many people “start” the week with Monday. Monday is the first day of the school/work week for most people. For me, Monday is the day I set my goals for the week, including household tasks, menu, and business activities. While...

Book Review: Inspired Mama

This summer, I received an email about reviewing a new book. The person mentioned seeing my review of No More Perfect Moms and thought I might like Inspired Mama by Sez Kristiansen. When I read the description, I agreed. I intentionally only read the description, not additional reviews or...

Radiant with Joy

Several years ago in my daily Bible reading, this verse jumped out at me. The phrase “radiant with joy” became my goal, vision, and mission statement. While my blog has evolved over the years, this theme runs through every post, every article, and every video I share. In recent...

The most important lessons

As a homeschooler, the days are filled with learning. Some lessons have more formality than others. Even during the summer, I encourage my kids to read every day and learn at least one new thing. Not all lessons fall under “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic.” In fact, many of our...

Extraordinary Lessons through Challenges

For the past several months, not much has happened. I’ve learned through our journey with grief the past year, it’s that the extraordinary memories live in ordinary moments.  ~~~~~ This spring/summer, we’ve been working on a garden. Well, “garden” may be a generous term. We have squash, zucchini, tomatoes,...