Living Christianity
Professing Christianity is not the same as Living Christianity. Insanity has been defined as “doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.” By this definition, how often is Insanity also a crisis of faith, a spiritual sickness more than a mental illness? (Note: I am...
An October of Possibility
October brings vibrant colors, weather changes, and a harvest Here in West Texas, the cooler temperatures take a while to stay. On the Caprock, we start our mornings around 50 degrees but we may still reach the 90s during the day. A dryer climate often means less dramatic color...
Homeschooling 101
Comparison is the thief of Joy. When I get in a “My kids are behind” mindset, I shift my focus to the ways they exceed. My job is not to raise people who think like everyone else, regurgitating the popular answer of the day. My job is to give...
A Time to be Still
Psalm 46:10 in the Amplified Bible says, “Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.” Other versions say “cease striving,” “stop fighting,” or “desist.” In context, the Psalmist is proclaiming that God is our refuge and that He is with us. There is no better place to...
Lessons from Daniel
If you “grew up in the church,” some of the events in the book of Daniel are very familiar, like the Lions’ Den and the Fiery Furnace. You may even remember how Daniel and his friends refused the king’s food or the disembodied handwriting on the wall. In those...
Seek the Lord and Live
The word “seek” is found 389 times in Scripture. Two primary words in both Hebrew (and Greek) are translated as “seek.” The first, “baqash” (epizeteo) is seeking to find or take hold of something. The second, “darash” (ekzeteo) is to search, investigate, inquire, or require (crave or even demand)....
Lessons from the Lost Prince
This book by Frances Hodgson Burnett was slower in some ways but the suspense of “who is the lost prince?” keeps the reader engaged. I will not be divulging many details of this book, as that would give away the ending. I will only say, this story is a...
Teaching the Children, As you are Going
This year, our kids have been studying Genesis for Leadership Training for Christ (LTC). The theme is the Promise. In Hebrew, Genesis means the origin or to come into being. This book describes the foundation of the world and God’s promises. God is the only one to make something...
The Race of Joseph
When I was in grad school, the college ministry held a talent show. A group of our guys sang “Dream Big” – the only time I’d ever heard that song until I looked it up for this email. The lyrics had an impact. The chorus says, “When you Dream,...
Tale as Old as Time
For some, a tale as old as time is a favorite story book. For me, it's Victory in Jesus....