

Lessons from a Butterfly

For Eric Carle’s birthday, author of  A Very Hungry Caterpillar, we enjoyed learning more about butterflies,  making butterfly crafts and snacks, and even learning more about the author himself.   The parallels between the way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly and the way we overcome challenges are remarkable. Change...

Have a Do Nothing Day

May 22 is National Solitaire Day.  Did you know that the traditional game of “Klondike” solitaire has been around for over 200 years? The age of technology increased its popularity. Microsoft first included this game with Windows 3.0 in 1998 – in order to help people learn to operate...

Our Allergy Story

Hello. My name is Angie and I’m a mother of allergic children. The struggle started early in my mothering career, during a time when I functioned as a single parent due to long deployments. Dietrich’s allergy story begins shortly after starting solid foods (maybe even earlier as he’s always...

Craving Connection

As our online presence grows, do we end up losing more of our real life? Facebook messenger keeps me connected to friends and family – extremely vital during my years spent miles or oceans away from home. However, Facebook also harbors drama, which if not checked wreaks havoc with...

Lessons from Winston Churchill

We’ve watched a lot of Doctor Who. We enjoy watching and re-watching the Time Lord’s adventures. I get double joy because I use the real-life historical places and people to teach our home school history. Several episodes include former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He could be crass, but...

Out of Context

All of my devices share a few common apps, the most important being You Version’s Bible app. I enjoy being able to search the Scriptures quickly and study a verse in several versions to gain more understanding of God’s Word. My phone notifies me every morning with the “verse...

A Rose by Any other Name

This could make me very unpopular. Sin is sin no matter what you call it. Sin is not a lifestyle choice. a phase or stage of life. an accident. My sins are no greater than yours and they are certainly not any less. While we have the freedom to choose, we...

Surviving a Hurricane

This summer, we finally joined part of my husband’s family on a vacation to Maui! Traveling together, aside from visiting parents and grandparents, has been a rare treat since our return Stateside, four years ago. We enjoyed the ocean, the beautiful scenery, and the perfect climate. … well, almost...

Hide and Seek

Finding something usually first requires looking for it. Occasionally, in my life as a stay-at-home mom, I find things without actively searching for them; they just “happen” to be in my path. Other times, I find something for my children (or husband) within seconds of looking (or by telling...

Waves of Grief

In recent weeks, I once again find myself in a place of grieving. Old losses surge like tidal waves leaving sadness, anger, emptiness, and anxiety behind. The cleanup continues with each aftershock. Eventually, maybe the waves become smaller and further apart, but not necessarily more manageable. For me, the...