When Prayers are Bittersweet
When God answers our prayers, how do we respond? If we pray for the hurting to find rest, are we ready to accept God’s definition over our own? When we pray for people to change for the better, for families to be reunited, but also that children remain safe...
Lose the Cape: A book Review
I am judgmental. I am opinionated. I do not often keep those opinions a secret. The stronger I feel, the louder the opinion will be spoken. And then… I had kids… I received a free advance digital copy of Lose the Cape: Never will I Ever (and then I...
Cruising Back to Reality
Last week, I went on my first cruise, without my family. After more than a year of transitions, after more than seven years of doing almost everything for and with my children, after almost nine years without a “personal vacation” – I took a REAL vacation. About a year...
Take up your Sword
Too much of “religion” these days focuses on how a person “feels” and on the “worship experience” rather than Teaching the Truth. If the people in attendance experience entertainment, give generously, serve wholeheartedly, even love unconditionally, but leave the assembly with a dull sword and tattered armor, is that...
Six ways to Always Keep it Simple
Occam’s Razor originally written in Latin is translated as “entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily”. This has often been simplified to “the simplest solution is usually the correct one.” A later quote by Einstein enforces the original intent, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”...
Awareness Month
December is Awareness of Awareness Months Month. Seriously? When I read this, I thought, “Surely you must be joking.” While I am all for awareness of causes and conditions that plague our society, Awareness Months might not be the best solution (especially if we have a month to be...
The superstition of sleep deprivation
It is a myth, a complete superstition that one can catch up on sleep. How do I know? Even after attempting to catch up by taking a much-needed nap (as often as I can arrange it), I’m still tired. Sometimes, even more exhausted than when I started. I often...
My Three-Year-Old to English Translation Guide
Do you ever look at your child and say, “You’re really cute, but I have no idea what you are saying!” I have several of these moments with my almost-three-year-old. After a spectacular and well-witnessed incident, I decided she needed a Seven Quick Takes completely devoted to her developing...
Do Something to make the Sun Shine
What would you do if you were given a day where you could do anything? A day without boundaries, money is no object, and the sky is the limit. Usually, when we run errands and eat out at lunch, I use the drive-thru. Due to routine extermination at our...
Wishing for Smooth Easy Days
One of the tools in counseling is asking the “miracle question.” It goes something like this: Suppose you went to bed tonight and while you were sleeping, a miracle occurred. How would you know this miracle occurred when you woke up? What would be different? Another variation involves a...