

Category: lessons

Whispering Hope

In recent weeks, I’ve seen a theme emerge in the articles posted by the pages I follow and in my own Bible study. When I get deeply honest with myself, this message began during 2020, with times of isolation and separation. I draw comfort and encouragement from God’s word,...

Lessons from Marvel

We are intentional about everything we do in our family. When we first went through the Marvel movies (in chronological order not release date order), we enjoyed the storyline and the opportunity to discuss reality vs. fiction and good vs. bad with new content. Recently, we went through the...

In the Garden

If you are anything like me, the minute you read the title, a song comes to mind. This song plays in my head as I work in our small garden, along with a reel of memories of my Grandpa’s garden (which was almost his whole yard). I don’t have...

Lows, Highs, and a new Why

As I write this, my house is unusually quiet. The kids went out for the day with friends, so I’m alone with the house noises and chirping birds on the patio. Quiet time, even with only two children, is rare and perhaps even a bit uncomfortable. Even so, I’ve...

Living Arrows: Dancing Darts

Last week, Madilynn enjoyed the summer session at her ballet studio. She started ballet with last year’s summer session. It’s been amazing to watch her learn and grow! Just this past week, I saw how much she’s improved in her skills. She loves her teachers and has made new...

Super Heroes of Faith

This week we held a Vacation Bible School at our congregation. For a few years now (except last year when nothing happened), I’ve taught the memory verse/application station during our VBS. I enjoy the challenge of sharing Scripture on multiple levels. I also enjoy how much I learn in...

Lessons from Bike Riding

For Christmas 2018, Madilynn received a bicycle as her “big gift.” The bike came with training wheels, which was a good thing since she’d never ridden a bike. She’s spent hours riding the bike and enjoys every moment of it. A few weeks ago, I realized it might be...

What If Wednesday

One day last week, while talking with my brother, the conversation turned to an “if/then” scenario. He was speaking about his circumstances and how if one detail had changed he would not have the life he does now. That sent my own wheels turning. What if…  What if Peter...

Growing Pains

In the last 12 months, my son has grown several inches. He’s also shaving twice a week and filling out. He’s much less a little boy and more a young man. I often tell people he was “born an old man” because he thinks and reasons more like an...

Take Heart

This past week marked one year since the “two weeks to flatten the curve” restrictions. I’m not going to debate the validity of these restrictions here. The many cancelations and postponements impacted our children and families in big ways. I am not an “expert” but I do think the...