Living Arrows: Dancing Darts

Last week, Madilynn enjoyed the summer session at her ballet studio. She started ballet with last year’s summer session. It’s been amazing to watch her learn and grow! Just this past week, I saw how much she’s improved in her skills. She loves her teachers and has made new friends. For the summer session, her class learns two dances in five days!
The most amazing part of watching Madilynn learn and grow is simply being here for every moment. I watch as she overcomes obstacles, I listen when she chatters, I marvel as she learns. So much of homeschooling is not about book learning, but rather, being present in every opportunity. We do plenty of book learning, but we do even more practical and explorative learning. We read together, listen to books on the drive to and from ballet, cook together, do chores together, and talk about everything we watch and read. As she plays, I hear her teaching her stuffed animals and dolls about what she’s learned. As she plays, I hear her work out problems and create a world of her own. She amazes me every day.
She does love it! and she promoted!
She looks like she loves it! Some children are just born to dance x