

Category: lessons

How building a website is like having another baby

This week, I’ve been working on our Wavemaker website, in addition to everything else. In some ways, it’s just like having a new baby.  Building a website requires focus and attention. Babies will roll or scoot away from you the moment you turn your head. Websites won’t move without...

Lessons from Pollyanna

Another book finished! Madilynn and I greatly enjoy our time listening to stories together. I’m providing a classical education in the form of entertainment. The best part is sharing a love for reading as we imagine the lives of the characters while spending hours together in the car. Pollyanna...

Wordy Wednesday

Among my friends, I’m “the word girl.” As we develop our ministry, I tweak the wording in our invitations and graphics. One of my gifts is painting a picture with words. Often, I am able to do this when others struggle with finding the right words.  The right words...

Lessons from A Little Princess

Listening to books with Madilynn is such a blessing. We both get to “read” more as I introduce her to classic stories with good morals and life lessons. Madilynn makes connections between the characters and herself. She gets involved in the story as she would playing with a friend....

Lessons from The Secret Garden

Next, we read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I enjoy the way the characters develop throughout the story as well as the descriptive imagery. We only watch the movies after we finish the books (and I chose the adaptation with Maggie Smith). I want my children to...

Evaluating, Revamping, and Weathering

Reviewing the week with Seven Quick Takes allows me some much needed time to focus on the positives and reframe the challenges. The week started off with pleasant weather for Super Bowl Sunday. Though we attend a gathering, we care little for the game. We love the fellowship of...

Concerning Homeschoolers, ministry, and leadership

When you look back on the week, what do you want to take away? Here are this week’s Seven Quick Takes! ~1~ This week, I’ve been cleaning up this blog. I’ve been linking up with Kelly since 2015! Several other link-ups I participated in have come and gone, but...

Lessons from Anne of Green Gables

The second book Madilynn and I finished was Anne of Green Gables. She enjoyed it so much, the box set of the series made it on her Christmas list. We haven’t dived into the rest yet, but I look forward to sharing these amazing stories with her. Anne is...

Wet hands, every flavor, and practical learning

Welcome to Friday. I’m getting better at consistently posting again and Kelly’s Link Up has been part of my own blogging journey for more than five years. I hope you enjoy these seven quick takes for the week! ~1~ A few weeks ago, I gave in and bought a...

Teaching the Children: Leadership

Looking at the present circumstances often leaves us feeling concerned about the future. We have great responsibility to make tomorrow better than today, starting in our home....