

Category: growing up in the Lord

A Rose by Any other Name

This could make me very unpopular. Sin is sin no matter what you call it. Sin is not a lifestyle choice. a phase or stage of life. an accident. My sins are no greater than yours and they are certainly not any less. While we have the freedom to choose, we...

Surviving a Hurricane

This summer, we finally joined part of my husband’s family on a vacation to Maui! Traveling together, aside from visiting parents and grandparents, has been a rare treat since our return Stateside, four years ago. We enjoyed the ocean, the beautiful scenery, and the perfect climate. … well, almost...

In His Presence

I left home this morning (for a vendor event). When I arrived home, the supper I started in the crockpot along with the side items for which I left instructions, smelled and tasted delicious. Bedtime did not go well. Madilynn seems to be experiencing some separation anxiety. After a...

Take up your Sword

Too much of “religion” these days focuses on how a person “feels” and on the “worship experience” rather than Teaching the Truth. If the people in attendance experience entertainment, give generously, serve wholeheartedly, even love unconditionally, but leave the assembly with a dull sword and tattered armor, is that...

Do Something to make the Sun Shine

What would you do if you were given a day where you could do anything? A day without boundaries, money is no object, and the sky is the limit.  Usually, when we run errands and eat out at lunch, I use the drive-thru. Due to routine extermination at our...

Wishing for Smooth Easy Days

One of the tools in counseling is asking the “miracle question.” It goes something like this: Suppose you went to bed tonight and while you were sleeping, a miracle occurred. How would you know this miracle occurred when you woke up? What would be different? Another variation involves a...

No Shame in the Light

I discovered this verse earlier this year. Since then, it has become my call to arms. I often write about prayer, how the God who created the world wants to hear from us and answers when we call. Sometimes those answers are immediate, even as we are praying, like...

Lessons in Psalm 34

This Psalm contains many repetitive themes, to the point I made a table to outline them. My prayer is that others may learn from and enjoy this Psalm of David as much as I do. 1 I will praise the Lord at all times.I will constantly speak his praises.2 I will boast only...

10 years of Growing up in the Lord

I did not have a Facebook account yet. Facebook opened to the general public in September 2006, and I joined (to keep up with my still in college/grad school friends and family). To be fair, I didn’t blog much back then either. I had a “real” job, with a...

Lessons from Esther

Esther is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God by name, yet his providence is seen throughout these short ten chapters. The book takes place during the time of exile and the reign of Persia. The book opens with King Xerxes giving a feast. Everyone...