

Category: never a dull moment

Organizing the Chaos

Most moms I know often feel like they are drowning in chaos. Managing the household tasks, managing kids’ activities, attempting to balance more things than we can carry. Mamas, we are uniquely made for our job, but we allow the Enemy to convince us otherwise.  Square pegs and round...

Becoming and Unbecoming an Army Wife

This is the written version of a presentation I made at the Mart Lions Club. You can view the video here. In July of 2007, I made a decision that changed my life. Before I can tell you that, I have to tell you about a decision made about...

Our Allergy Story

Hello. My name is Angie and I’m a mother of allergic children. The struggle started early in my mothering career, during a time when I functioned as a single parent due to long deployments. Dietrich’s allergy story begins shortly after starting solid foods (maybe even earlier as he’s always...

My Three-Year-Old to English Translation Guide

Do you ever look at your child and say, “You’re really cute, but I have no idea what you are saying!” I have several of these moments with my almost-three-year-old. After a spectacular and well-witnessed incident, I decided she needed a Seven Quick Takes completely devoted to her developing...

Small Changes Save Lives

About five years ago, we learned the cause of our son’s violent rejection of many meals: an egg allergy. Many changes occurred in our home. Everything about the way food was prepared changed. I read every label, sometimes two or three times in the store and again at home....

The Myth of Super Mom

My children think I can do anything. I fix all broken things, beat Koopa and save the princess (again), find every missing item, answer endless questions, and make them all the food they could ever want (even the meals they don’t eat). My husband thinks I’m awesome, even if...

The War Zone of Parenting

Parenting is not for the weak-minded, faint of heart, or simple-willed person. Parenting, many days, feels like a war, at least at the current ages and stage of my children. I love them fiercely. I protect them and care for their needs above my own. These days, every morning...

Too Soon or Not Soon Enough

“Soon, but not soon enough.” Dietrich heard this a few weeks ago on the Disney channel and says it to every “Soon” answer he is given now. We finally have a delivery day for our household goods. “Soon, but not soon enough,” we can begin the business of settling into our new home...

Mass Chaos Has Erupted

Today a bird flew into the house. This is not my house. We are currently staying with my father-in-law though we are nearing the end of this transitional time (we move next month). To some people, a bird in the house probably is not all that exciting or challenging...

Attack of the Miller Moths

That’s Miller, NOT killer though you wouldn’t know the difference by the way the kids act when they see one. Not that I can blame them. I won’t disgust you all with pictures – you can look them up for yourself if you aren’t fortunate enough to live in...