

Category: Every day moments

Growing up in the Lord

Welcome family, friends, link up readers, new readers, and anyone in between. Thank you for your grace and patience in waiting for the unveiling and grand opening of my new domain and corner of the Internet. (The wait might have been easier for you than for me). I am...

The Music of My Heart

If my voice could hold out, I would sing all day every day. I have enjoyed the singing part of church service as far back as I can remember. I can close my eyes and see my child self – singing all the words to all the hymns loudly...

Redefining Footprints on Our Hearts

In middle school, a friend gave me a decorative banner with the quote, “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay a while leaving footprints on our hearts and we are never the same,” by Flavia Weedn. This sentiment stuck with me through many moves as...

The Mystical Magical Internet

I live in the magical land of America in the mystical time. Information is readily available at my fingertips. Any question can be asked of Google (or your favorite search engine) or Siri (sometimes an argument may develop). If I don’t like what one reporter has to say, I...

Welcome Home, Caswell Family!

After the movers left, after putting my kids in their beds, I wearily trudged down the stairs thinking to myself (in the voice of Ty Pennington), “Welcome home, Caswell, Family, welcome home.” For seven months, as one little boy in a sermon illustration said, we’ve had “a home without a house to...

Too Soon or Not Soon Enough

“Soon, but not soon enough.” Dietrich heard this a few weeks ago on the Disney channel and says it to every “Soon” answer he is given now. We finally have a delivery day for our household goods. “Soon, but not soon enough,” we can begin the business of settling into our new home...

Make the Home Sing

I’ll be very honest, it’s getting more and more difficult to make the home sing and keep a positive attitude. Lately, I sense the stress of the transition has deeply impacted Dietrich. Our battles begin first thing in the morning. “I wanna do what I wanna do!” He proclaims....

Attack of the Miller Moths

That’s Miller, NOT killer though you wouldn’t know the difference by the way the kids act when they see one. Not that I can blame them. I won’t disgust you all with pictures – you can look them up for yourself if you aren’t fortunate enough to live in...

Amazing Grace Filled Road Trips

Once upon a time, on a road trip to see Dennis Jernigan for a New Year’s Eve Night of Praise, my friend Jennifer and I realized between the two of us, we had about 15 variations of the song “Amazing Grace”. We skipped several of these variations, noting the song...

Managing Disorder of Moods

Dietrich (almost 7) and Madilynn (2) are as alike as they are different. Both are independent, stubborn, and want to do things a certain way. My girl is actually the more strong-willed of the two, the one that is likely to run off into a busy street or touch...