

Just Five Minutes

In September 2015, I wrote an original piece for BonBonBreak, called “Just Five More Minutes.” At that time, we had been in our new hometown for three months. My son turned seven and my daughter was about to be three. We lived in a perpetual state of transition, trying to find our role in a new church and community while living as civilians again.

Nine and a half years later, I find myself revisiting past writings, such as “The Superstition of Sleep Deprivation” and “Wishing for Smooth, Easy Days.” Many times in the past nine and half years, we’ve been in a state of transition. Whether with my husband’s employment and education journey, moving into a house, or parenting tweens and teens, each change has created new challenges. I also wouldn’t change anything.

I still enjoy “just five more minutes” to just Be Still before the day gets started. This is easier with older kids who now enjoy sleeping past eight o’clock. Even though they are “big kids,” the days continue to be filled with interruptions. No longer dirty diapers or meeting every physical need, but still resolving conflicts, helping with schoolwork, and listening to what’s on their mind. My youngest still wants extra snuggles and reading time together. My oldest asks for just “one more hug” at least twice after going to bed. They know they can count on me, for more than five minute intervals.

Each day, I take time to remember the blessing of each moment and forget the obstacles of the day. I choose to relish in the victories, understanding more than ever that the days are long but the years are short. My prayers continue to be for more patience, strength, and grace for tomorrow, but also that I’m equipping them for what they need when they leave.

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