The Power of Thunder

I enjoy watching lightning flashes and listening to thunderstorms. I marvel at the differences in storms between the flat plains of Texas, the mountains of Colorado, or the countryside of Germany.
On occasion, I gazed over the horizon as a wall cloud formed, unable to look away. This seemed particularly foolish from my third-floor apartment, as a single person, during an overactive tornado season. I thought this, even as I stood transfixed at the wonder and majesty of the storm forming a few miles away. A few years later, in another storm, I found myself much less calm. In the last trimester of my first pregnancy, I stayed with my parents due to my husband’s deployment. One of the first thunderstorms of the season woke me and no matter how much I prayed, I could not find a sense of peace or get comfortable. I attribute all of this to my pregnancy. Dietrich is often afraid of thunderstorms, just as he did not like that first one.
Thunder in the mountains adds a new level of awe, as the booms echo off the mountainside. The rumbles continue as though you are sitting in tympani drums. I miss living in Colorado when I remember the awesome percussion symphony of thunderstorms there.
At our house in Germany, it seemed that thunder and lightning surrounded us during storms. Our village rolled along with a series of hills. We felt perfectly safe, nestled between a larger hill and the valley. In fact, we thought tornadoes an improbability in Germany until the summer before we moved when one touched down near the airbase. One evening, I took a video as the clouds rolled in with a constant lightning show. Then I dissected that video and created a still image of the perfect lightning strike pictured above.
Thunderstorms display God’s power, creating both awe and fear. Jesus calmed the storm and he walked on the water (in the waves/wind). He overcame mental storms by casting out demons. He overcame physical storms through the many miracles of healing and even raising the dead. His thunderous power can overcome any storm if only we allow him to take control.
Yay! Fellow crazy storm gazer and mama blogger. Love this bloggy world!
Thank you for sharing a piece of your testimony. I emphasize often to Dietrich that God is the biggest and in control and hope he one day reaches the point that he Fears the Lord rather than being afraid of the thunder. Thank you also for your kind words of encouragement!
A beautiful post! I absolutely love thunder storms, and totally agree that they give me peace and comfort. It is awesome to stand outside to watch them in all of their glory! Have an amazing week!
Stacey Gannett recently posted…Thunder…#1Word
The photo is wonderful! I chuckled that I have been much like Dietrich for much of my life. Somehow in childhood thunderstorms frightened me and I struggled with that anxiety into adulthood. The power behind them caused me to shudder until I was more in touch with the POWER behind and in the midst of the storms. Your use of the word and the pictures you painted are well done!
PamPam recently posted…Let’s Get Together for Coffee
Thanks! I knew I had to write about “Dietrich’s first thunderstorm” (while I was pregnant) as soon as I saw the words. I don’t always know what other direction the writing will go from my original idea.
Thunderstorms show us His power like nothing else can (in my opinion).
I think that one only freaked me out due to being pregnant. I do find it odd that Dietrich has been afraid of them ever since…
I love thunderstorms. I should also share that I’ve never been in one that scared me, but we got close once. There is such power there!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Frances’ First Modeling Gig
I love thunderstorms! They do remind me of the power of nature and the power of God. However, they can be scary as well.
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…To My Firstborn With Love
What a wonderful way to look at thunder and love the way you used the word this week 😉
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