The most important lessons
As a homeschooler, the days are filled with learning. Some lessons have more formality than others. Even during the summer, I encourage my kids to read every day and learn at least one new thing. Not all lessons fall under “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic.” In fact, many of our best days include lessons in life skills, creativity, play, and helping others.
Last year, one night before my friend’s life changed forever, she made a Facebook live video about the Most Important Lesson you can teach your children. At this moment, the views on this video are over 9.4 thousand and it’s been shared and reshared at least dozens of times in the last year. Why does that matter? My friend started teaching the most important things early on and her children lived those lessons. Their too short lives are a testimony to their Growing up in the Lord.
This week, after months of waiting, the youth at our congregation performed their LTC events. The annual convention was canceled and then we only met virtually for almost three months. After a two-week cram session, the kids finally shared what they’ve been learning. The theme for 2020 was Rescued.

This is Dietrich’s speech. One of my favorite things about teaching this boy is the connections he makes using the fun things he enjoys with practical Bible truths.
Some congregations have to bribe, convince, or force the youth to participate. In our congregation, the youth not only want to serve, but they also enjoy it and look for more ways to provide service and outreach. This also has everything to do with the way these children are being trained in the Father’s business.

As we go, I want only positive and uplifting music or entertainment. We listen to books or Christian music. Recently, I heard a song by Danny Gokey, “Love God, Love People” – which sums up the 10 Commandments. Jesus taught this lesson throughout His ministry, but specifically in Matthew 22:36-40. Imagine how different the world could be if we each did this simple thing. Imagine a world where everyone disciplines themselves and their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.