Mindset Management

Though the first day of the week is Sunday, many people “start” the week with Monday. Monday is the first day of the school/work week for most people. For me, Monday is the day I set my goals for the week, including household tasks, menu, and business activities. While some of these goals stay about the same from week to week, writing them down is a very important action step.
Goals are not the same as wishes or dreams. Goals require work and intentional action. I can make to-do lists all day – I can make a list to organize all the lists – but none of that is action. I can say I want something, but unless I DO something, it is only wishful thinking. What if I turned all those thoughts into achievable action steps?
The battle begins in the mind – your mindset matters at least as much as your activity. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” We decide before we even attempt something new whether or not we will succeed. Sometimes the attempt IS the success. Thomas Edison, failed many times when designing the light bulb, but stated, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
The same mental energy is spent on wishing and hoping as on planning. The execution of action makes the difference. How will you use your effort today?