Lessons from a Butterfly
For Eric Carle’s birthday, author of A Very Hungry Caterpillar, we enjoyed learning more about butterflies, making butterfly crafts and snacks, and even learning more about the author himself. The parallels between the way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly and the way we overcome challenges are remarkable. Change...
Our Allergy Story
Hello. My name is Angie and I’m a mother of allergic children. The struggle started early in my mothering career, during a time when I functioned as a single parent due to long deployments. Dietrich’s allergy story begins shortly after starting solid foods (maybe even earlier as he’s always...
Lessons from Winston Churchill
We’ve watched a lot of Doctor Who. We enjoy watching and re-watching the Time Lord’s adventures. I get double joy because I use the real-life historical places and people to teach our home school history. Several episodes include former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He could be crass, but...
A Rose by Any other Name
This could make me very unpopular. Sin is sin no matter what you call it. Sin is not a lifestyle choice. a phase or stage of life. an accident. My sins are no greater than yours and they are certainly not any less. While we have the freedom to choose, we...
Surviving a Hurricane
This summer, we finally joined part of my husband’s family on a vacation to Maui! Traveling together, aside from visiting parents and grandparents, has been a rare treat since our return Stateside, four years ago. We enjoyed the ocean, the beautiful scenery, and the perfect climate. … well, almost...
Teaching the Children, Election Day
Today, America decides. Everyday choices influence our course, but we each have an opportunity to impact greater change today. The effects of our choices today will last for many years. This election seems to be the most pivotal of all time. (I do not know about all election years....
Hair Clips and Rainbows
Due to another transitional change in our lives, I’ve been doing more with my direct sales business. More, as in, shows/events every weekend I can find one. Most weekends, I fair well, making back the booth fee and grocery money for the week. Last weekend, I took my first...
In His Presence
I left home this morning (for a vendor event). When I arrived home, the supper I started in the crockpot along with the side items I left instructions for smelled and tasted delicious. Bedtime did not go well. Madilynn seems to be experiencing some separation anxiety. After a few...
Lessons from Monopoly
This week as part of our unschooling, we played Monopoly. Sadly, we do not have the paper money edition, but the new Electronic Monopoly (sad because I couldn’t make Dietrich count the money). However, Dietrich still had to read and add so some basic principles were part of our...
When Prayers are Bittersweet
When God answers our prayers, how do we respond? If we pray for the hurting to find rest, are we ready to accept God’s definition over our own? When we pray for people to change for the better, for families to be reunited, but also that children remain safe...