

Little House Road Trip

It’s been a while since the kids and I took a trip. This one included three states and 1134 miles.
The first time I read through The Little House series with my daughter, I looked up historical markers and museums connected with Laura Ingalls Wilder. I discovered the closest one is near Independence, KS, about an 8-hour drive for us. This particular site has the well Pa dug in “The Little House on the Prairie.” The farmhouse itself is a rebuilt replica, based on the book’s description. As I walked the grounds imagined life for the Ingalls family from 1869-1871. “Baby Carrie” was born during this time. 

We also drove a few miles to cross over the Veritigris River. This river held special significance to the Ingalls family in the book, including Mr. Edwards crossing the flooded river to bring presents from Santa Claus.
When I noticed that part of the trip follows Historic Route 66, I found a couple of places to stop that my son would enjoy (maybe someday we can take a longer trip just for all Route 66 museums and history). Again, I imagined how life was during the different periods represented. In so many ways, life was simpler, while also filled with hard work. I found myself experiencing deep gratitude for all of my “modern conveniences.” I also felt pangs of grief, recognizing vehicles and appliances from my grandparents‘ stories.
As I finished the planning, I realized my daughter’s friend from church camp only lives about an hour away from Independence. Since they are also a homeschooling family, we were able to meet up with them and enjoy The Little House on the Prairie Museum and lunch together. We found a super cute coffee and sandwich shop and enjoyed visiting (though by then, my son was bored with the adventure).
When we lived in Germany road trips and sightseeing were regular parts of our routine. Some planned, some spur of the moment. I enjoy going and doing, though we have not done as much in recent years. My goal is to change that. Traveling is a fun adventure, but in some ways, the best part is coming home.

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