Lies about Time
Posted On June 3, 2015
Time flies when you’re having fun.
There’s never enough time.
If only I could make time stand still.
The harsh reality is, we all have the same number of hours in a day. We all get to determine how we spend those hours. What attitude will we choose? Will we work or play or find a balance? Will we exhibit patience or a complete lack of self-control?
As much as anyone, I can claim not to have enough hours in a day because I received our belongings on Monday and the place is still in shambles. I’m far too hard on myself. My husband praises the progress made in the past two days. As I sit here taking a break, all I can see is what isn’t done. Much of what I remember from the day is fussing at the kids to move or stop fighting or not get into things. I’m sure this upheaval mixed with a maze of boxes is a confusing labyrinth of overwhelming curiosity. I’m also sure I didn’t take enough time out to play with them between boxes today.
No one has to remind me how fast they will grow. They’ve outgrown most of what I brought with us and most of what I left packed in the dressers. The last time we moved, Dietrich was about a year older than Madilynn is now. Since our last move, we’ve acquired another person, another set of bedroom furniture, not to mention more books, clothes, and toys.
My downsizing project is underway, and as I close this post, I do feel good about what I’ve accomplished today. Though the work of the past two days could not have gone nearly as smoothly without the help of my lovely baby sister. Our time together is always too short, but I’m so blessed by each moment she’s been in my life.

It took me a full day and a half of work to see a dent in the boxes… a glimpse of the big picture. Thank you for the encouragement. I'm hopeful that by next week I'll have a much better picture to share!
When unpacking everything you own, it feels like there aren't enough tomorrows. haha. Thanks for stopping by, and I do appreciate the encouragement!
I always feel like I don't have enough time to get everything done. But in the end, the important stuff gets accomplished and the rest can wait until tomorrow!
Somehow life always feels like it's way too short on the time we need to do all the things we want and need to do. I, too, tend to focus on what isn't done, what we don't have time for, but I'm learning to see the bigger picture and, like your husband, focus on what HAS been accomplished. It's a great shift in thinking. Good luck with everything!
The trouble for me is I can't do much of what I want until I get all of the need to do of unpacking out of the way. Thank you so much for stopping by and sending some encouragement my way!
Work, ugh, another four letter word! I do enjoy these one word challenges and the encouragement from the hostesses makes it all the better! Thank you for stopping by – my time with my sister was certainly too short, though.
Glad you stopped by and thank you for the encouragement! I still feel like I am not quite balancing it perfectly, but my house is starting to look and feel like home. Maybe by next week I'll have a much better picture to show off.
I took my quote on the clock picture from a song by an A Capella gospel group called "The Sounds of Glory." Age old wisdom never fails and time keeps ticking by! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment!
It truly doesn't seem that there is ever enough time for all the things I want and need to do each day. And, packing/unpacking is always hard!
There's never enough time for everything, is there? Still, I'd say you're managing yours very wisely and getting lots of things done. Moving is never fun. It's tremendous work. One day soon, you'll be done though and all settled in and this chapter of your life will happily end. In the meantime, it's wonderful that you're getting to spend some time with your sister. So glad. Enjoy and thank you very much for taking the time out to join us at #1Word today. We greatly appreciate it and we're so glad you're here! 🙂
Time is a thieving four letter word! But it sounds like you have its' number! Good luck with everything!!
That first quote my grandmother used to say all the time when I was growing up. And I still am not sure how time has gone as quickly as it has and still my own grandmother has been long gone for years now. Seriously, where does it go?!!