Teaching the Children: MLK, Jr Day
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. While many public schools have the day off, our homeschool does not. We use days like these to learn about the people and events the day intends to honor. I wonder what MLK would have to say about current events. I wonder...
Panoramic Pandemic
How has your life changed in the last few months? I asked this question one day on Facebook and received a myriad of answers. This one post generated more interaction than any other status post I’ve shared (other than pictures or videos). While the specifics varied, the answers held...
The Graduate
While running errands, I listen to the radio in the car. For several months, this usually results in a puddle of tears. A specific handful of songs trigger the grief. This week, it wasn’t a song, but the D.J. talking that caused a wave of emotion. They were talking...