Teaching the Children, Beyond Election Day
As I think about, pray about, and teach about the election this year, I am not focused solely on Super Tuesday. I’m not even worrying about the outcome or its implications. Rather, my focus is teaching my children about OUR election. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,...
Teaching the Children: MLK, Jr Day
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. While many public schools have the day off, our homeschool does not. We use days like these to learn about the people and events the day intends to honor. I wonder what MLK would have to say about current events. I wonder...
Homeschool is a Journey, Not a Destination
As people search for answers and alternatives, after dealing with “crisis schooling” and changes for the upcoming school year, homeschoolers receive more questions from their public schooling peers and become a resource. Everyone has a story and a unique perspective for why they choose certain paths. Homeschoolers are no...