

In His Presence

I left home this morning (for a vendor event). When I arrived home, the supper I sIMG_4398tarted in the crockpot along with the side items I left instructions for smelled and tasted delicious. Bedtime did not go well. Madilynn seems to be experiencing some separation anxiety. After a few minutes of crying, I tell her to come to me. After lying on the couch in my vicinity, she quieted and settled. She simply wanted to be in my presence.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to be the same when we need comfort. He desires to give us peace and joy. The lasting kind only comes by being in His presence. Too often, I’m inclined to search for my own peace, through earthly means. Temporary means. Only when I’m defeated in exhaustion, crying and screaming, unable to sleep through my own tantrum, do I fall into His arms and accept His rest.

We don’t have to face the world alone. We don’t have to fight the battles unequipped. We don’t have to wait for salvation. He has given us everything we need.IMG_0232

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