Teaching the Children: Why Funerals Matter
In the first month of the year, I attended three funerals. One for an almost 92-year-old force-to-be-reckoned-with woman, with whom I shared a birthday; one for a friend’s brother, only 31 years old; one for another friend’s mother, who recently turned 65. I attended each of these services for...
Teaching the Children: Inauguration Day
For the second time in United States history, a President will serve for two non-consecutive terms. It is only the third time Inauguration Day and MLK Day coincide (the second inaugurations of presidents Bill Clinton in 1997 and Barack Obama in 2013 being the other two occasions). Homeschooling allows...
Real Life Duck Tales
“What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?” Arthur Weasley asks Harry in the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. One of the original purposes included checking the temperature of bath water. In recent years, a couple of my favorite YouTubers have determined, “Ducks...
My Restoration Movement
Can you believe we’re in the last month of the year already? As such, it seems only natural to reflect. I’ve chosen a “word of the year” over multiple New Year’s Resolutions for many years. My word focus often goes in a different direction than I planned. As a...
Tire-some 2024 Review
This was NOT a good year for our tires. Actually, the trouble began at the end of 2023, with a bolt in a tire. In February, we had our first “changing a tire on the side of the road” incident. I was able to pull into a gas station....
Teaching the Children, Beyond Election Day
As I think about, pray about, and teach about the election this year, I am not focused solely on Super Tuesday. I’m not even worrying about the outcome or its implications. Rather, my focus is teaching my children about OUR election. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,...
Lessons from Tires, Technology, and Tornados
For the second time this year, while entering Lubbock for ballet class on a Tuesday, my tire alert went off due to road debris damage. This time, I was within two blocks of my destination, with built-in people to help my son change the tire. Unfortunately, this tire was...
God Remembers Me
Every time we read the words “God remembered” in scripture, it is followed by action. The word used here does not imply that God FORGOT, but rather that God called the person or situation to mind to bring about His promise of redemption at the proper time. If you...
Pray for the Harvest
As the new year begins, I like to reflect on the last twelve months as I set goals for the future. For the past several years, I’ve chosen a “word of the year” focus. I filter all of my goals through that word focus. This method works best for...
The Importance of Little Things
On Sunday morning, as we drove the less than two miles to the church building, one of the tires indicated low pressure. No biggie, right? The weather has been changing and occasional low-pressure things are to be expected. My husband and I agreed that I would get it checked...