Another Day at the Maze

Each fall, we meet other homeschoolers at a local corn maze. The temperature in October in West Texas ranges from already bitterly cold with biting wind to still blazing hot with not even a breeze. No matter the weather, we set out to have a good time. We go through the maze, enjoy the concessions at lunch, and support the local farmers by buying mini pumpkins to paint and one for pumpkin pie. This year, I also made my own sunflower bouquet.
Sunflowers are heliotropic, meaning they track the sun. They face east as the sun rises and follow it until dusk. Then, they re-orient themselves during the night and repeat the pattern, day after day throughout their season! As a Christian, the illustration here is obvious: When we follow the sun, we grow radiant with joy! Those who are filled with such light cannot help but shine it on others.