

Provision and Gratitude

Tonight, I picked Dietrich up from youth devo and learned a valuable lesson. As is our custom, I asked him what they ate, which song he picked, if they sang a specific fun song, and about the devotional talk. During this discussion, Dietrich said, “History looks and sounds like His Story. ALL stories are God’s stories.” If you know Dietrich, he said this matter-of-factly and very grown-up. I reacted with complete awe. “YES! All stories are God’s!” and we further discussed how no matter what happens, God has a plan, and we can trust Him to provide. Our story is meant to be shared, for His Story and purpose.

I believe that our stories are potential superpowers and that they are meant for God’s glory. Romans 8:28 says, “ALL things work together for good for those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose.” You are called when you read God’s word AND do what it says. God did not give us a complicated scavenger hunt of confusion. He gave us a love letter that spans centuries with clear instructions. His promises remain true! The Word of God stands the test of time and interprets itself. He only asks that we obey.

God’s love is unconditional. He loves us through the muck and mire, through our darkest days, and most treacherous storms. He sees us in the dry desert, the weary wasteland, and the weakening wilderness. Yet in those times, He desires us to draw near to Him. If you think God is far from you, He is not the one that moved.

From Mother’s Day 2020 until June 2021, my husband was unemployed. My side gig relies heavily on vendor events, which were also few and far between. We learned how God is Jehovah Jireh – the Lord that Provides – in a big way! During that time, we saw His provision in everything from paying bills to our kids’ fun activities. Sometimes this provision was in the form of grace from the companies involved, sometimes it was in the form of a scholarship for ballet or camp. Throughout the famine, we thanked God for the possibilities He would provide. We’ve come through that wilderness and into a time of feasting. Now we sit in gratitude for all God has done, and will keep doing!


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