

The Beginning

This blog began in 2008, during our first deployment. We lived miles away from our family. Writing was a way for me to share our lives with everyone quickly (not everyone had/has social media and email limits the size of pictures and videos). 
Writing gives me peace and allows me to vent my frustrations, share my heart, or offer encouragement. Just like me, my space online is a work in progress.
I write for me but always with the prayer that if my story can help someone else, just one someone, the post finds them. Maybe a military wife struggling through moves and deployments. Maybe a younger mom, overwhelmed by the daily grind. Maybe someone grieving in need of hope. Maybe a truth seeker, needing the assurance only God provides.


What started on Blogspot as “the Caswell Clan” has become a place for sharing the journey of Growing up in the Lord. Thank you for being a part of the journey.


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