Inspired to Serve
Last week, I had the opportunity to co-teach two classes at Revive Texas. The first, how to share Jesus with children, almost wrote itself. The second topic, how to inspire children to serve, held more challenges. I quickly realized that this topic is easier to DO than explain. Let’s...
How to share Jesus with our children
Two years ago, I took on the task of revamping the curriculum for the 3–4-year-old class at our congregation. In some ways, this job was easy – I had several years’ worth of already created supplies in a filing cabinet and a few boxes from both my mother and...
This year’s Leadership Training for Christ theme was “Sanctuary” and focused on the life of Moses. The kids spend months working on skits, puppet shows, chorus, speeches, song leading, Bible reading, Bible Bowl, and more. On Easter weekend, we travel to Dallas for the convention. This year brought some...
All Consuming Fire
On February 27, we experienced an unwanted level of excitement. A little before 6:00 that evening, a friend messaged me. She’d seen the Texas Panhandle Wildfires on the news and wanted to check on us. I had only been home a few minutes and I didn’t know of any...
Dealing with Change
Change. Many people, myself included, do not willingly embrace change, especially if we aren’t given a choice or say in the matter beforehand. However, the challenge of change is a constant. We can learn to adapt or become stagnant. One of many lessons in The Lion King is “change...
Living in Radiant JOY
The buzz phrase “living your/my best life” gets great traction on social media. Truthfully, it is one of those phrases that annoy many people. (I’m one of those people). These posts often include a blurb about how a company generated enough income for a glamorous resort vacation or a...
I Surrender All
Whether in the body of Christ or out in the world, we aren’t going to get along with or understand everyone. We all bring our own “stuff” to the table, believe our way is the best, and tend to react with our feelings before responding in grace. I believe,...
God Remembers Me
Every time we read the words “God remembered” in scripture, it is followed by action. The word used here does not imply that God FORGOT, but rather that God called the person or situation to mind to bring about His promise of redemption at the proper time. If you...
Pray for the Harvest
As the new year begins, I like to reflect on the last twelve months as I set goals for the future. For the past several years, I’ve chosen a “word of the year” focus. I filter all of my goals through that word focus. This method works best for...
The Most Important Gift
Christmas Past Christmas 1949 was likely an ordinary holiday. For one particular couple, it was the beginning of a lifetime of tradition. This was their first Christmas as a married couple, one month before their first anniversary. A couple of eighteen-year-olds exchanged gifts. I don’t know what those first...