My Restoration Movement
Posted On December 31, 2024
Can you believe we’re in the last month of the year already? As such, it seems only natural to reflect. I’ve chosen a “word of the year” over multiple New Year’s Resolutions for many years. My word focus often goes in a different direction than I planned. As a person of faith, I believe that God’s plans for me are infinitely better than those I make for myself. I’m constantly learning to follow His path.
This year started with a setback, with structural changes in the company I’ve represented for nine years. For the most part, none of those changes affected customers, but as a consultant with a team, I was greatly impacted. Switching to an affiliate model, created a loss of income from a team and even a loss of relationships. The website also changed, causing a loss of customers. Ironically, my word for 2024 has been HARVEST. Just as farmers must adjust to and deal with the ever-changing elements, I had to make some adjustments. Overall, my customer service did not change. If anything, I became more determined to offer the very best possible. I struggled through the grief and loss that comes with such changes. Over the past nine years, under the previous business model, my income kept our heads above water at times. I am grateful that at this time, my income is not necessary for paying bills or feeding our family. I can focus on the joy of sharing with customers and building relationships.
This year started with a setback, with structural changes in the company I’ve represented for nine years. For the most part, none of those changes affected customers, but as a consultant with a team, I was greatly impacted. Switching to an affiliate model, created a loss of income from a team and even a loss of relationships. The website also changed, causing a loss of customers. Ironically, my word for 2024 has been HARVEST. Just as farmers must adjust to and deal with the ever-changing elements, I had to make some adjustments. Overall, my customer service did not change. If anything, I became more determined to offer the very best possible. I struggled through the grief and loss that comes with such changes. Over the past nine years, under the previous business model, my income kept our heads above water at times. I am grateful that at this time, my income is not necessary for paying bills or feeding our family. I can focus on the joy of sharing with customers and building relationships.
At the end of a year filled with changes, I choose to sit in GRATITUDE. Some days, that contentment comes easily. On other days, I still struggle with it. A new year brings renewed plans, setting goals, and casting a vision for the future. Often, the word is clear before the calendar changes. This time around, my word is more of a concept than a single word.
When I started thinking about my new word, two big areas came to mind: health and relationships. For some time now, I’ve struggled with fatigue. I’ve spent time and money looking for causes and solutions. The next step is implementing all the knowledge I’ve gained into action. Physical health is necessary for all other areas of life. Next, I thought about specific relationships in my life that are lacking. While part of that lack is not due to my choices, I have a responsibility to offer my best in every relationship.
When I started thinking about my new word, two big areas came to mind: health and relationships. For some time now, I’ve struggled with fatigue. I’ve spent time and money looking for causes and solutions. The next step is implementing all the knowledge I’ve gained into action. Physical health is necessary for all other areas of life. Next, I thought about specific relationships in my life that are lacking. While part of that lack is not due to my choices, I have a responsibility to offer my best in every relationship.
With both of these areas, the word that I circle back to is RESTORE. As I thought about this word, Romans 12:9-21 came to mind. Themes like “outdo one another in showing honor” and “as far as it depends on you” highlight our personal responsibility to give our best, no matter what we receive in return. This doesn’t mean setting yourself up for harm, but rather, it means offering your best every time you show up. If others don’t accept your best, like the disciples, we can “shake off the dust” and move forward.